Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thank a Lawyer for Hobbling Our Intelligence Services and for the Next Terror Attack on US Soil

What on earth do lawyer know about intelligence? Nothing. They just know the obstruction of intelligence gathering. Come the next terror attack, it will high time for payback against all internal traitors.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lawyers Intimidate Airlines from Stopping Hijacking Dry Run

I believe it is time to start to make arrest lists of lawyer collaborators with Islamic terrorists. These include all lawyers suing airlines to deter the maintenance of safety, all judges granting terrorists special rights, all politicians hobbling our war effort, all lawyers embedded without our warriors and stopping operations at the tactical level, all organizations promoting the intimidation above, all civil rights officials in the Federal government intimidating our businesses and airlines. Come the next major terror attack, they should be arrested, tried for treason, and executed summarily. To deter.

"Investigator: Air Tran fears 'flying imams' fallout
Worry over 'predatory lawsuits' keeping Atlanta 'dry run' very 'quiet'
Posted: December 12, 2009
11:05 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A licensed private investigator who has looked into the conflicting reports over the Air Tran Flight 297 incident in Atlanta – described by some passengers as an apparent "dry run" for a hijacking – says the details are being kept quiet because the airline doesn't want to be targeted with lawsuits like what happened in the "flying imams" case in Minneapolis three years ago.

According to a report from Douglas Hagmann, founder and director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency, "everyone from the airline to the TSA and other government agencies want to keep [the situation] very quiet."

"The reasons, I have been told, is fear of predatory lawsuits, negative publicity from accusations of religious profiling, and the obligatory subjugation to mindless mandatory Muslim sensitivity training that make a mockery of our American system of values," he wrote.

"Interestingly, one airline official told me 'we don't want to become another Flight 300,' which is a reference to a very similar scenario that took place aboard US Airways Flight 300 exactly three years ago."

WND first reported when a viral e-mail from a man who said he was a passenger stirred up alarm over the episode. WND later reported when more testimony accumulated.

Get "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America."

Hagmann's report said some of the statements in the original e-mail were substantiated, as were a few of the statements from the airline's explanation.

He said his investigation found a group of men dressed in traditional Muslim attire boarded Air Tran Flight 297 Nov. 17 on a flight from Atlanta to Houston.

He continued in his report:

As the passengers boarded the aircraft, two of the Muslim men took seats in first class, while the remaining eleven were seated throughout the remaining rows of the aircraft. Most had carrying-on bags that they stowed in the overhead compartments above their seats.

As the aircraft began to taxi to the runway, a female flight attendant was beginning to issue the normal passenger advisories over the PA system. Almost on cue at the time passengers were told to turn off all electronic devices, one of the Muslim men seated in the front of the plane began to use his cell phone in a manner that was described by a flight attendant and passenger 'as deliberate and obvious.' He was talking loudly in Arabic, nearly at the level of the flight attendant. Some reports suggest that this man actually called another Muslim passenger, although this has not been immediately confirmed. It is possible, however, as another passenger reported that a Muslim man seated toward the rear of the plane answered his cellular phone at the same time the man in the front began using his.

At this point, the flight attendant in the front of the plane approached the Muslim man using his telephone and instructed him to immediately turn it off. A second female flight attendant did the same at the rear of the aircraft. Concurrent with this cellular activity, two other Muslim men seated adjacent near the middle of the aircraft began operating what one passenger described as a palm type camcorder, ostensibly to view previously taken footage. It is possible, according to one flight attendant interviewed by this investigator, however, that the camcorder was being used for recording purposes. Whatever its use, a third flight attendant, aware of the incidents taking place in the front and rear of the aircraft, approached the two men for the purpose of securing the camcorder. At least two passengers reported that the men became abusive to the flight attendant and initially refused to comply with her request.

It was at this time that most of the passengers began to notice the multiple incidents involving over a dozen men dressed in Islamic attire. Next, as if previously rehearsed, at least 10 of the 13 Muslim men aboard the aircraft began to leave their seats at the same time. At least one passenger stated she observed one of the Muslim passengers using his cell phone to take photos of other passengers on the aircraft, while one other Muslim passenger sang loudly in Arabic. According to information provided to this investigator from one of the flight crew who was alerted to an onboard emergency, the aircraft was now being taxied back to the terminal. The TSA, FAA and FBI were notified."